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<span class="pink">It's 8:00AM,</span> and the sun is shining through your windows on a lovely Tuesday. You can hear the quiet bustle of the day and you open your eyes slowly, feeling well-rested and calm.
That is...until <span class="pink">you realize that you have work in an hour and your alarm did not go on.</span>
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You know <span class="pink">it takes about 45 minutes</span> to get to work with the morning traffic, if you're lucky, and you still need to get ready for the day. There is no way you won't be late for work.
**How does this make you feel?**
[[Rushed and Frantic! You don't want to be late!]]
[[Overwhelmed, but you've got this!]] <span class="pink">You rush to grab all the things you need.</span> You quickly throw on a shirt and barely have time to brush your hair (let alone grab anything for lunch), And where did your car keys go? The drawer? In your jean's pocket? You don't have time for this!
<span class="pink">Amazingly, you find your keys and manage to get out the door in record time!</span>
You're on the road by 8:15AM, but you are already feeling overwhelmed. Despite this, the GPS says you'll be there by 9:00, so hopefully your boss understands.
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**Not the best start to your morning, but it is time to go to work!**
[[Drive to Work]]<span class="pink">First thing is first.</span> You know that panicking won't help you right now, so it's time to prioritize. You check your GPS and see that you could still get to work on time if you were to leave in 15 minutes, but this is Los Angeles and traffic is unpredictable.
<span class="pink">You decide to email your supervisor</span> and let her know that there's a chance traffic might make you be a few minutes late. You know that even if you arrive on time, your supervisor would probably be grateful for the heads-up.
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After the email is sent, you begin to get ready. You don't want to waste time, but you also want to make sure you have everything you need.
You manage to get dressed, quickly brush your hair, and remember to grab a few snacks since you don't have time to make lunch.
It's not the best start to the day, but staying calm and collected helps to improve it.
[[It's time to go to work!]]Because traffic is unpredictable, you <span class="pink">finally get to work at 9:10AM.</span>
You hurry and apologize to your supervisor for your lateness and she understands about the traffic but also reminds you that it's important to plan ahead. Getting to work on time is valuable to her, and it shows respect for the company and for your supervisor. <span class="pink">You assure her you understand, and you head back to your desk.</span>
As you pass by the desks of your coworkers, someone whispers "Well, look what the cat dragged in."
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You're still riding on the adrenaline from your rushed morning.
**How do you respond?**
[[Call Out the Coworker Who Said Something! You've had a bad enough morning as it is!]]
[[Ignore the Comment and Get to Work]]
<span class="pink">The comment strikes a nerve,</span> and you whip around to face the coworker who made the comment. The colleague in question was late just this last week, and you can feel yourself getting angrier and angrier about it.
<span class="pink">"You have no room to talk! You're always late, so mind your own business."</span> You storm to your desk amidst the mutterings of your coworkers.
You immediately regret snapping at your colleague, but you also think his comment was rude and you do not apologize. It sours the mood of the office, and compounds with your lateness to raise concerns with your supervisor.
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[[Let's understand your behavior]]<span class="pink">The comment strikes a nerve, but you are already embarressed from being late.</span>
You start to think, bitterly, of all the times your coworkers have been late and you sit down angrily at your desk.
Because you haven't had a break from the stressful situations, your discomfort increases exponentially, and your work day never really has a chance to improve. You're annoyed with your coworkers and the day in general.
[[Let's analyze your day]]
This has been a bad day all around, and stress like this creates what is called an Emotional Hijacking.
<span class="pink">You are a good worker,</span> but so much stress triggered your fight, flight or fright response, and <span class="pink">you chose to fight.</span>
<span class="pink">It can often be good to confront a coworker, but only in a way that is calm and productive.</span>
Because you spoke out in anger, and in front of an audience, it creates unnecessary hostility throughout the workplace. Worse, it makes you look bad in front of your supervisor.
Here is where <span class="pink">developing your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)</span> is most valuable.
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Next time you feel yourself getting angry, <span class="pink">recognize the need to take a step back.</span> Wait until you've calmed down and then assess if talking to your coworker is the best choice of action. Try breathing deeply to relieve some of the tension the stress has cause and attempt to get back to work. This will both help distract you and also keep you from appearing disruptive to your colleagues and supervisor.
Want to try it again?
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[[Start]] <span class="pink">Sometimes, bad days happen, and that's ok!</span>
It happens to all of us. It's good that you chose not to respond in anger to your coworker, but bottling it up left a cloud over the rest of your day.
<span class="pink">Emotional Intelligence (EQ)</span> can help in situations like this.
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Next time you're suffering under compounded stress, try counting to 20! It may sound cliche, but <span class="pink">giving yourself a moment to breath can actually release some pent up frustrations.</span>
Also <span class="pink">consider talking to the coworker</span> who commented at a later time. You don't want to speak up in anger, but their comment was neither kind nor appropriate.
Give yourself a chance to calm down and then assess if talking would be helpful. <span class="pink">Emotional Intelligence is all about checking in with yourself.</span>
**Want to try it again?**
Please select "Start" to go back to the beginning of the story!
[[Start]] <span class="pink">Traffic is unavoidable, and much like you expected, you arrive about 10 minutes late to work.</span>
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Thanks to your foresight, your supervisor knew you were most likely going to be late and didn't have to wonder or worry about where you were. While she reminds you it's important to ensure you wake up on time, she also is grateful you communicated with her.
You feel bad for being late, but you also know that that email made up for some of your carelessness.
As you pass by the desks of your coworkers, someone whispers "Well, look what the cat dragged in." You're still feeling slightly bad about being late.
**What do you do?**
[[Laugh it Off! You probably do look a little frazzled]]
[[Ignore the Comment and go to your desk]]You turn to your coworkers, grinning broadly, and say "I can't wait to tell you all about what happened at lunch."
Your coworkers smiled back, your good natured humor erading any lingering irritation at your lateness.
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As you finally sit down at your desk, <span class="pink">you are grateful everything seems to have worked out well</span>, and you promise yourself you will triple-check your alarms tonight!
[[Let's analyze how you used your EQ]]<span class="pink">Humor is a great tool in your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) arsenal!</span>
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By laughing at your hectic morning, you are able to put the situation into perspective. You were able to relieve the disruption your arrival may have caused, and you were able to use a bad situation and turn it into a potentially engaging story.
Because you were able to think ahead this morning, <span class="pink">your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)</span> allowed you to communicate with your supervisor and lessen any stress from your rushed morning. Congratulations on making it to work!
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[[Start]] <span class="pink">Sometimes, the most effective action is none at all.</span>
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Though the morning seems to be improving, you can't waste anymore time dwelling on your lateness, and that includes acknowledging a snide comment or two. The best thing you can do to show your supervisor that you are committed to your job is to hop right into doing your best at it!
[[Let's analyzed your action]]Because you were able to think calmly this morning, your <span class="pink">Emotional Intelligence (EQ) prepared you for a stressful situation</span> and helped to soften the potential negative effects. You sent an email to your supervisor and gained her respect.
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By ignoring an errant comment, you were able to hop right into your work and let the office know that you are ready to get the job done!
**Want to try it again?**
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